Sunday 15 November 2015



Wesley Przybylski
Enthusiastic Educator


Thursday 7 May 2015

Antibiotic overuse!!!!

"Drug-resistant infections are one of the biggest threats to the future of global health.”
-Dr.Mike Turner

Antibiotic overuse has undeniably been one of the pressing issues recently. Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial that is used in treatments and in preventing infections from bacteria. Antibiotics kill germs inside your body to help cure infections. But we have been abusing this drug a long period of time, or to be exact, since 1940. We would be moving to “post-antibiotic era”, where the current medicine will not be effective enough for the body since we will all have developed resistance.The microbes will naturally develop a resistance towards medicines that we take. Dr.Charles Penn stated that: "Antimicrobial medicines are a very precious and valuable resource and something we cannot take for granted,” and "Public awareness of the issue is low in all regions, many people still believe antibiotics that kill bacteria will work for viruses such as the common cold or flu."
If the medicine stops working, we will develop infections such as  tuberculosis, or    a disease that affects lungs. Antibiotics are being overused in United States. The highest rate of antibiotic overuse is in the South and Appalachia. As results have shown, people in the south have more infections. To see how much antibiotics have been overused, doctors prescribed 258 million antibiotic regiments in 2010. One disease you can receive from antibiotic overuse is MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is an infections that occurs in people who've been in hospitals or other health care facilities. About 2% of the population has the infection.  
Currently, not every country has a solid plan.Out of 133 countries, only 34 countries have a national plan on how to handle antibiotics being overuse. However, the World Health Organization will meet about the issue and discuss a national plan for all countries to use.


Nuclear Energy By: William and Jerod

We require more energy

As the Earth’s population grows, we are going to use more and more energy are in our daily lives.  We need to stop using fossil fuels that cause too much damage to Earth and worsens Global Warming. We have to start using nuclear power as our main energy source, even though there are people rejecting nuclear power plants due to its history. But to continue our daily lives now we must start to take action in building nuclear power plants.
Nuclear energy is created through Fission Reactions, which are a chemical reactions created by splitting Uranium nuclei by shooting a neutron, and the Uranium also releases some neutron to make other Uranium atoms react and split and cause chain reactions. Each splitting creates a tons of energy. Few kilograms of uranium are enough to create energy for entire US to use months of electricity. Nuclear is a lot more efficient than other other types of power plants, such as hydro, wind, and solar energy. Nuclear contributes to 21% of US electricity and Renewables (wind, solar, hydro) contribute only 12% of US electricity.
However, there are some risks involved with using Nuclear power. As we know, there's been three disasters caused by nuclear power; fukushima, chernobyl, and three mile island. The main problem with nuclear power it the disposal of radioactive waste after splitting Uranium atom. The highly radioactive waste causes damage to land, rendering it unable to grow plants, and causes genetic mutation or even death to living things. People are in fear of the disaster to happen again. But these problems can be prevented with just having to store the radioactive waste in a safe place where it can be protected by natural disasters and preventing it from going out.
Renewables maybe the most “healthy” way to gain energy, but the amount of energy is not enough as our population continues to grow. The history of nuclear power may give us fear of using it, but in the process of improving, we will always face failures. To really improve, we have to learn from our failures and stand up and fix our mistakes so that we can improve our society and to have what we have today and for to build a better future for us to live.

Income Inequality

President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats said lifting the wage would help the economy and reduce income inequality. But is income inequality all about wage? It is also about stereotypes, social structure and many other reasons that are not just about wages. Warren Buffett said rising the wage is not a way to help income inequality. The unemployment rate in the U.S. is 37% for young black men and 10% for young white men. So, can we still conclude that income inequality is all about wages only?

If wage is not the only reason, the what can we do to solve social inequality? Colleen Shaddox said that big tippers may not be heroes, but small tippers are certainly jerks. Since these last few years, not much has changed to solve the problem. You can change this by handing over an extra $5 bill to the workers as a way to solve the problem. Also, Buffett said tax refunds are better for the economy and workers than forcing companies to increase wages.

Stop Racism!!

Stop Racism!

          From what I saw on Twitter, the majority of people are against racism. However, it seems that there will always be racist people in the world.  

Racism comes in many forms. People can be racist against others with certain skin colors, races, nationalities, and religions. A lot of problems arose from people being racist against each other. 

People are born equal and should be grant the same rights, but because of the existence of racism, some of the rights are taken away from those who do not have the same physical appearance as others do.

Facts about Racism According to

- African Americans make up 57% of the people in state prisons for drug offenses
In 2012, 51% of Americans expressed anti-black sentiments in a poll; a 3% increase from 2008.
- After being arrested, African-Americans are 33% more likely than whites to be detained while facing a felony trial in New York.
- The minority population in Europe is 105 million, which is 14 % of the total E u r o p e a n population. There are an estimated 12 million Roma people, an estimated 7 million Black Africans, and about 5 million Muslims living in Europe today

Race is a strong idea and a long-lasting concept that is brought in by society. It promotes inequality and discrimination since the time that Europeans started to flourish, and it also influences how we interact with one another. It is a result of genetic differences that makes us unique, but not different. Humans are all the same despite skin color, hair texture, beliefs, and language. I think the solution to the problem is to teach children and embed thoughts that "people are all equal". Adults are too stubborn to be changed. Schools have to educate students with a curriculum that reflects that all people are equal.

I think that wearing turbans is okay with me. But why would people judge others wearing turbans; it’s a important for their religion. Wearing turbans in public is fine; they didn’t attack you, so why would people hate them? A man was just attending a party, but he was turned away from it because he was wearing a turban. His friends lied to him and said that they were not in the party but, the man with the turban saw them post picture in social media.  

Now, more African Americans started homeschooling due to racism in school. It forced african american children to homeschool, but according to the articles that I read, about 10% of homeschooled student got educated quickly.I think school should be fair to those kids; they are trying to learn, but school just won't give them opportunities to let them learn. i think many schools have to improve this problem because every person is the same. You can’t treat them differently. Racism is real and it has to stop.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Why does ocean pollution exist?

The ocean is one of the most mysterious and diverse places on earth. It’s sad to hear that our lovely oceans are being threatened by pollution from humans and from natural causes. Animals living in the ocean are dying and pollution affects the whole oceanic ecosystem.  Ocean pollution has been becoming a serious issue to our world recently. We humans have been doing so many harmful things to our lovely ocean, and that is just unacceptable. Some people might actually wonder how dumping trash and litter into the ocean would have a big effect, because the ocean is so big, deep and vast. It seems like it would have no problem. But keep it in mind that if humans keep doing it for a few more decades, our ocean will eventually get polluted. It’s totally possible. Toxic wastes, plastic, oil spills and some other factors are the main causes of the pollution of the ocean. Plastic is the most common element in the ocean, and it’s really bad for the environment as it is hard to recycle. Over one million seabirds and other marline animals are killed by ocean pollution each year.               
          Human should stop throwing trash into the ocean because every marine animal is affected by man-made chemicals released in the water. However, not all sources of trash come from humans; it also comes from other sources too. Therefore, we should try our best to take care of the environment.

We are all in this together


Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth.The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms. All of this is biodiversity. Now our world is in biodiversity loss and it may cause human extinction in the future.

Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?
Why is Biodiversity important? Does it really matter if other animal extinct?
Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For example, if one animal extinct the other animal might also extinct too because of the ecosystem. Good species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms; and healthy ecosystems can better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters.
Loss Of Biodiversity And Extinctions
The biggest influence on biodiversity loss and extinctions are human.
  1. Human population growth-  impact one land for food production and livestock grazing, and for wood for fuel, construction, and energy.
  2. Habitat destruction- Habitat destruction is the single most important cause of the loss of rainforest biodiversity and is directly related to human population growth
  3. Pollution- Industrial, agricultural and waste-based pollutants can have catastrophic effects on many species.
This is just some example of human activity that cause biodiversity loss and extinctions.  

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