Thursday, 7 May 2015

Stop Racism!!

By Anonymous  |  21:36 No comments

Stop Racism!

          From what I saw on Twitter, the majority of people are against racism. However, it seems that there will always be racist people in the world.  

Racism comes in many forms. People can be racist against others with certain skin colors, races, nationalities, and religions. A lot of problems arose from people being racist against each other. 

People are born equal and should be grant the same rights, but because of the existence of racism, some of the rights are taken away from those who do not have the same physical appearance as others do.

Facts about Racism According to

- African Americans make up 57% of the people in state prisons for drug offenses
In 2012, 51% of Americans expressed anti-black sentiments in a poll; a 3% increase from 2008.
- After being arrested, African-Americans are 33% more likely than whites to be detained while facing a felony trial in New York.
- The minority population in Europe is 105 million, which is 14 % of the total E u r o p e a n population. There are an estimated 12 million Roma people, an estimated 7 million Black Africans, and about 5 million Muslims living in Europe today

Race is a strong idea and a long-lasting concept that is brought in by society. It promotes inequality and discrimination since the time that Europeans started to flourish, and it also influences how we interact with one another. It is a result of genetic differences that makes us unique, but not different. Humans are all the same despite skin color, hair texture, beliefs, and language. I think the solution to the problem is to teach children and embed thoughts that "people are all equal". Adults are too stubborn to be changed. Schools have to educate students with a curriculum that reflects that all people are equal.

I think that wearing turbans is okay with me. But why would people judge others wearing turbans; it’s a important for their religion. Wearing turbans in public is fine; they didn’t attack you, so why would people hate them? A man was just attending a party, but he was turned away from it because he was wearing a turban. His friends lied to him and said that they were not in the party but, the man with the turban saw them post picture in social media.  

Now, more African Americans started homeschooling due to racism in school. It forced african american children to homeschool, but according to the articles that I read, about 10% of homeschooled student got educated quickly.I think school should be fair to those kids; they are trying to learn, but school just won't give them opportunities to let them learn. i think many schools have to improve this problem because every person is the same. You can’t treat them differently. Racism is real and it has to stop.

Author: Anonymous


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