Wednesday, 11 March 2015

pOVERty #poverty #society

By Anonymous  |  22:15 No comments

Poverty is one of the main issues of our society, but I’d say most of us don’t know the actual situation of world’s poverty right now. Once said by Bill Gates, “If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake.” This quote is was made about 10 years ago, but from the level of the world’s poverty right now, this quote is just simply imprecise. 46.5 million people or 0.7% of the world’s population is in poverty. It may not seems a lot, but keep in mind, it’s 46.5 with five zeros at the back. That’s a lot of people, and the world’s population that lives in poverty is still increasing every single day.


Addressing back to what Bill Gates said; from the world’s poverty situation of today, it is impossible to die rich when people have nothing. It is impossible to die rich when children die at such young ages. It is impossible to die rich when people cannot work properly because they live in hunger every hour, every minute, every second. We need to help them. Just some clean food and some clean water will make what Bill Gates once said become true again.
Talk to your friends about the world’s poverty. Discuss about better solutions that can help our society. Poverty may not end in anytime soon, but our actions must start today.

Author: Anonymous


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