Tuesday 18 November 2014


By Anonymous  |  20:16 No comments

Stop being ignorant, BAKA!!!!!! Whales are becoming extinct as we continue to hunt whales. Extinction is when a species ceases to exist on Earth.  Currently, we do not have the technology to recover the species that has been brought to extinction, and we will never have that technology.  Commercial hunting of whales has significantly reduced whale populations and has brought some to be classified as threatened or endangered under The Endangered Species Act of 1973.  Despite this, over two-thousand whales are being hunted per year by countries such as Norway and Japan.  Norway continues to hunt whales despite objections from the International Watch Company (IWC) against whaling. Japan continues to hunt whales under the pretense that it is being done for scientific research against mandates set by the IWC (International Whaling Commission). “We urge Japan to abide by the decision of the IWC and to refrain from launching more hunts outside of the process set up today,” said WWF’s Aimee Leslie. “If Japan truly wants to advance whale conservation as it says it does, then it should not circumvent these new IWC rules.”
Whale hunting needs to stop because it is damaging ecosystems in many
ways. First, when whales die, they become a food source for others species that are vital for a healthy marine ecosystems. Whale poop leads to the decrease of the carbon in the atmosphere by providing nutrients for phytoplankton and oceanic plants that convert dissolved carbon dioxide to sugars, thus reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Sperm whale poop helps expand the growth of phytoplankton which increasing dissolved oxygen concentrations in the ocean, allowing for marine animals to breath. Whales also help the growth of phytoplankton, which helps other consumers that feed on phytoplankton as well.
So, in conclusion, DO NOT EAT WHALES OR SUPPORT WHALING!!!!! Whaling is cruel, and that is the bottom line. Can’t you guys just domestic livestock and poultry? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE WHALES? DON’T YOU HAVE ANY ETHICS????



Author: Anonymous


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