Monday 17 November 2014

My Thoughts on Politics

By William Liao  |  04:23 No comments

What's happening to this world?!

Now, this is the feeling I get every time I watch the news. War in the Middle East, war in Ukraine, war in Libya... It seems like the whole world is at war. It may seem pretty exciting to some war fanatics, but I am not one of them... sadly? Although many believe the twenty-first century to be a peaceful time, full of technological advances and wonders, it is not the case. There are still conflicts, big and small, all over the globe, and mankind is far from solving all of them.

Above is a political map of the Earth, carved and divided by humans even though there are no divisions to be made physically. All of these borders are imaginary and man-made. Yet, countries fight over these borders as if they are real. What for? For the benefit of themselves? And that is what global politics is all about: acquiring the best possible things for yourselves with the least payout. That is what led to these wars. Of course, I am just a high schooler speaking about topics way bigger than myself, and if you already have your own understanding of what's going on, please just take this as a kid speaking his opinion.

Let us take a look at the Middle East for now and the rest of this entry. I am sure most of you are familiar with the ISIL, also known as ISIS or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, who is terrorizing the Iraqi government (pun intended). Recently, the government has taken over Beiji, a major oil site in Iraq. Originally, ISIL was stationed in this city, which served as the headquarters of ISIL. ISIL had been using the oil to gain profit. They had no problem selling the oil to consumers in the West, though indirectly through other countries. I have a growing suspicion that ideology is not the main reason these guys came out and fought. I'm not saying that ideology is not a part of their reasoning, but I'm just questioning the main motivators behind this movement. Wars in history have been fought for two reasons: land and gold. I am sure this one is not much different either.

Author: William Liao


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