Sunday 30 November 2014

Police shoot scores of unarmed blacks

By Anonymous  |  20:52 3 comments

The Shooting of Michael Brown

The event occurred August 9th, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. A white police officer named Darren Wilson shot two young black men, Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson, while they were on their way to Brown’s grandmother’s home. Darren Wilson came along in a patrol car and “asked” them to move to the sidewalk, but the two young men refused to do so, because they had almost reached their destination. During the argument, Wilson shot at them  a few times, causing Brown and Johnson to start fleeing. Michael Brown was then hit with 7 shots and died on Canfield Drive. Brown died no more than three minutes after he was accosted by Wilson.

According to Commissioner Tom Jackson, Darren Wilson was investigating an armed robbery case at a local convenience store. The tape shows a man who looks like Michael Brown robbed a convenience store minutes before the shooting occurred. Darren Wilson then assumed that Brown and Johnson are the ones who robbed the store because Brown had a $50 cigar in his hand. This event then provoked a series of protests. People are angry about this because Brown and Johnson had neither weapons nor criminal records.

What are the Ferguson protests about?

Brown's killing in Ferguson have become a national issues of race, justice, and police violence in the United States. It has grabbed world-wide attention and has been shown on the news globally. Due to the issue not being presented clearly, and much misunderstanding has occurred. This has lead to conflict on both sides.

One of major point that protesters made was to get Wilson on trial for the Brown shooting. Instead of putting Wilson on a trial, the jury demands three months of deliberations. Because of this, it causes many to think of this is a flawed, biased investigation.

Many people were captured by this event because, they're concerned about racial disparities. Just one teen and one police officer involved in the Brown shooting caused massive protesters. The misunderstanding is that it is perceived that the life of a black person matters less than that of a white person, let alone a fully armed police officer.   

Author: Anonymous


  1. I agree that what they said at the last part where it says "The misunderstanding is that it is perceived that the life of a black person matters less than that of a white person, let alone a fully armed police officer."- I agree with this because I think everyone should treat each other the same way, even though its a stranger on the streets, a black people, white people, asian, african etc. We are all humans. If the 2 black guy are what the police thinks they are, why not check their ID's first, if they refuse then they might be the criminal. They just refuse to walk on the sideline, they didnt even try to run away from the police.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with the idea of the misunderstanding that the life of a black person matters less than that of the white person. Wilson was investigating an armed robbery when he saw Brown and Johnson and the guy on the tape looks like Brown, so of course he's going to assume that Brown is the robber. When he already assumes Brown is the robber, he will naturally be more alert of every single movement Brown makes. Later on Wilson asks Brown and Johnson to move to the sidewalk, but they disobey the order. Obviously if a suspect disobey your order, you're going to think the suspect is more suspicious; therefore, shoot them. I'm not saying shooting suspect without any evidence is allowed. I'm just saying everyone will do the same if they are in the same situation. Overall, I agree with the misunderstanding of that the life of a black person matters less than that of the white person, but I also agree that Wilson should be put to trial because he shot the suspect without any evidence. In my opinion, if Brown and Johnson follow Wilson's order, things wouldn't happen this way.


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