Tuesday 10 March 2015

What more could one ask for?

By Anonymous  |  22:03 2 comments

To people who are reading this blog:
Since we have access to the internet, it’s reasoned that we are NOT living in poverty. We are lucky to have enough to access of food to eat with three meals a day. According to the The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the estimated number in the world that is going through poverty is 1 out of 9, 805 million people in the world.  Our children are able to live and grow up healthily, and have enough education to provide better impacts to the world. BUT. Think about it… With scarcity issues in our economy, what do the people in the corner of the world eat? Survive their hunger?

Poverty can be divided into relative and absolute poverty, but it’s usually defined as the shortage of minimum food or shelter to maintain life. Close to half of the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 per day, and approximate 14 percent of 35 million American live in poverty. This results in the relatives poverty, which people have low earning to efficiently spend on their needs. However, in extreme poverty or absolute poverty, 1.3 billions people live in less than $1.25 per day. Lower it to another level, worldwide of 805 millions people don’t even have enough food to feed their hunger.

What causes poverty? Many saying said that poverty is caused by the poor themselves. They don’t have the looking toward their own future, and it’s more preferable for them to live at the current moment. However, this is a stereotype. Researchers’ poverty theories state that poverty is caused by the middle class. People in the middle class have a higher percent of finding jobs, and leaving the poor ones to work in lower condition. This is more of an accurate saying, yet theres no right solutions to poverty’s existence.
We are living a better life, so be enough to what we have. Think about poverty, think about the poor, think about those people in the corner. What more could one ask for?

Author: Anonymous


  1. Great post George!

    1. You have so many good points... I think you can find a solution, Think big! What do these poor nations need to get out of their situation?


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