Sunday 19 April 2015

Water Scarcity by Pat 11B

By Anonymous  |  21:44 No comments

As clean water becomes more scarce, people will start fighting for the last remaining source of water. Water Shortages motivate some countries (in Africa) to start waging wars or an arms race for the control of the water supply.Meanwhile, in developed countries, such as the US, companies take extreme measure and monopolize water sources as the means to prevent unnecessary loss of fresh water. Putting a price on (ex-free) water will definitely raise issues.

  • Fresh water has been drastically decreasing for past decades
  • California is experiencing a drought problem, which makes you think about the future
  • Sooner or later, we're going to war for the sake of controlling water sources
  • There are ways to save water at home that you can find on internet, so do it!
  • Imagine the violence and the consequence that would follow the water crisis

We have so many water, yet we can only use the small portion of it. This definitely set human progress back as we need to deal with this water crisis before moving on the next issues of the world we are living in. If we keep living in a life style that effects environmental (pollution, deforestation, global warming etc.), then eventually we would never get to have space colonization era.  

I think we should really police our water needs and start managing it better. I know that this has been said numerous time from numerous sources, but I don't think people are doing it. I personally think that the public will handle this water crisis issue just like how they handle pollution problems, "we acknowledge it, but we won't stop it". If and only if we start being conscious about saving the world and the human population, I think honestly think we might have the chance to live long enough to see our grandchildren prosper. 

The fact that the water companies start taxing the water is down right evil and all ('cause water is for everyone, right?), but at the same time, I think it's necessary too. I think people are going to be more aware of the crisis and start managing their water sources better if we tax it. It's a bold step. Water companies, let's see how this will end our water crisis problem.

Author: Anonymous


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