Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Appreciate what you already have !

By Anonymous  |  22:21 No comments

Poverty has been one of the world’s major problems for centuries. But how does it affect you? It might not affect you directly since we’re all living comfortably in our house with an air conditioner and three full meals a day. Think about the children living in hunger in every corner of the world, starving men and women along the streets, and people struggling for a tiny income to support their family. “Poverty” basically means hunger. Are you still comfortable sharing the same world with these people? Nelson Mandela once said, “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of a charity, it is an act of justice”.

Poverty can be caused by various reasons including lack of education, changing in trends of economic status, overpopulation, and epidemics. Income inequality is also one of the major problems causing world poverty, the wealthy just keep getting richer and richer while the poor are barely surviving each day. The poorest 40 percent of world’s population accounts for only 5 percent of the world’s income while the top richest 20 percent of world’s population get to hold almost three-quarters of the world’s income. This statistics clearly shown the inequality and injustice of the economic world. This problem, which arises  due to lack in education; surprisingly, nearly 1 billion people entered 21th century without ability to read or write. Having low human capital keeping them in labor force earning scap income.

Author: Anonymous


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