Tuesday 10 March 2015

Savor what you already have!

By Anonymous  |  22:24 No comments

Today we’re gonna talk about poverty in Taiwan. Before we talk about it, we should talk about what it means. Poverty has different aspects. Poverty can be hunger, lack of shelter, being sick and can’t see a doctor, can’t go to school, can’t read, not having a job, fear for the future and living one day at a time. Poverty has existed on Earth since humans were born. Reducing poverty has become an concerned global issue around the world.
Taipei, Taiwan

Fortunately, Taiwan’s poverty population is less than 1% of the total population. That’s what I’m proud of. This means that more than 99 percent of the population enjoys the benefits of Taiwan’s economic and greatly improved quality of life. In Taiwan, families are classified as the low-income family if their average monthly income didn’t reach the monthly minimum set by the city or province. In Order to reach the family’s needs in Taiwan, they need to earn at least US$337 (10,647.852 NT) monthly. As a result, I think we should look further and help the others.

Author: Anonymous


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