Saturday, 14 March 2015

Poverty: Lack of Water

By Anonymous  |  04:41 No comments

It seems that even with 70% of Earth consisting of water, we don’t have enough fresh water to feed our rapidly increasing population. More than 840,000 people die of water related diseases and 750 million people lack access to freshwater. With these numbers, the magnitude of the situation might not be conveyed to some people. Then let’s put it this way.  Two and a half times the population of the US lacks clean water to drink. Does it sound more realistic now? We can also see from the situation in Sao Paulo that the situation is no joke. The city that was once called the ‘city of drizzle’ faced a drought so bad that people had to go digging underground to find sources of water. City officials of the city mentioned that supply rations might have to happen soon and that people might only have a water supply for 2 days a week.

Other areas show signs of droughts, too. California, Iran, and Pakistan have been reporting droughts. At this pace of population growth and lack of water supply it won’t be far until no one has enough water to drink.

This poster conveys clearly the statistics of how many people lack water. Sometimes, if we just throw a big number at people, they don’t understand how serious the problem is. For those people, this poster compares the statistics with the population of San Francisco and the USA. By doing so, people are able to abstractly understand the magnitude of the problem. 

Maps are a great way to convey information. Using this kind of map, we are able to see simply the distribution of poverty and how bad it really is. We can see where poverty is concentrated and relate it to information that we already know to analyze the causes of poverty in each areas.

Author: Anonymous


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