Thursday 30 April 2015


By Anonymous  |  21:28 No comments


To humans, the most crucial thing we need in order to survive is oxygen, the air we breath. Can you live a day without food? Can you live a day without water? Can you live a day without air? I hope not, because it is just impossible. In this world, there are tons and tons of global issues; things we cause, and things we need to solve. One question I always have is which one is the vital one. Is it Human rights? Is it Feminism? Once I made up my mind, I know that what we need to save first are the trees, because if we don’t, then we cannot live. I think we should all work together into solving one problem; otherwise, nothing will be solved.

In each year, a forest as big as Panama are being torn down. In each year, a tree as old as all your ancestors ages added up are being cut, and burned, and made so that you could use it once and throw it away carelessly. And in the next 25 years, 28,000 species might be gone, some of which you have never seen before. Forests are like our lungs; they absorb carbon and release oxygen which is the most abundant compound for lives. It is plain - trees are important, we destroy trees, trees are what we need save, and trees are the ones that save our life.

Common Causes of Deforestation

  1. Land for housing and urbanization
  2. Harvesting timber for paper and tissue
  3. Plantations for cash crops
  4. Land use for ranching

Interesting Video

Solving deforestation is really easy. One is to stop cutting down trees, two is to plant trees, and three is to “JUST DO IT.” Forests are like lungs of our world, and by constantly destroying them are like destroying ourselves.  We all have power,  If only the power of our two hands and two feet are use to build rather than destroy and used for caring rather than destroying. I really want to know what our world would be like in the future where greed is less important to us than good.

Author: Anonymous


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