Thursday 30 April 2015

Talking Taboo

By Anonymous  |  21:59 No comments

The word suicide is such a delicate tabooed term. Which is the BIG reason why people who are on the verge who committing suicide never seem to talk about it; well… unless you’re talking about cutting for your favourite band member, such a serious thing, right? Well yeah, it is serious, no matter what the reason may be for committing or even attempting suicide, it IS serious! There are even different types of suicide(Durkheim’s four types of suicide):
  • Egoistic
    • One commits suicide because of how they are not well supported from society
  • Altruistic
    • One commits suicide because of too much involvement with certain groups and the burden of not being able to accomplish every single expectation befalls upon oneself
  • Anomic
    • One commits suicide as one cannot handle all the burdens one has imposed on oneself, too much stress and change for one to handle
  • Fatalistic
    • One commits suicide because of too much regulation, life is under extreme rules and high expectation

My opinion and ways to prevent this mass self murder is to break the idea that suicide is a tabooed topic. People who are close to being suicidal and are depressed should learn the signs of when they are suddenly out of place and help them get back to their normal lives. The more you talk about a matter, the more they are bound to get lighter on the heart.

Author: Anonymous


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