Friday 1 May 2015

End It or Get Ended

By Anonymous  |  05:14 No comments

Global warming has been a world-wide topic since ages ago. Why global warming is significant enough for us to notice? The answer is more than obvious - either we cease the crisis or by getting killed by burning and drowning. That means it is worth more attention than any other specific world or economy issue. The faster we deal with it, the longer we will live on earth. Sure, we can start the progress now, but how? As we all know,  there are many causes of the warming of our globe; however, many scientists have proven that it’s cause by human activities. Even so, this topic is still debatable.

Before we take any steps, let us start with the definition of global warming. Our perspective towards global warming is that it can be a world-wide misconception. Some people interpret the warming as a natural process throughout the year for earth. However, that is not the case. Human industrialization is a major cause of the global warming process, and people should be responsible enough to try to make the situation better. The major causes it that humans are burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas. As a result, more greenhouse gases are produced. The way to solve this global issue is either humans reducing their pollution or human extinction.

Yes, there are graphs of earth warming up itself like in a sauna room, but do you guys think that is the cause? I mean, like really? Like a sauna, we got heated up then cooled down afterwards in a cycle. That means our globe will goes through the same cycle. Instead, the temperature is continuously rise. Isn’t this a hint that is obvious enough? We are the ones preventing earth from cooling down. Moreover, we are like a catalyst for the rise of global temperature. We should stop finding excuses and blame everything on nature because we cannot do anything about it.

People then will argue that human extinction is impossible, but they never thought about the consequences that the heat will bring. Global warming isn’t only a problem that goes against humans, but simultaneously, this applies to animals, plants, and unknown living creatures. Without them, earth will lack resources and food. Without them, the world would run out of fresh oxygen. Without them, heat will cover up our earth, and one day our own corpses will unite. If we don’t take a step now, there will be no longer anything for us to consume, protect, or destroy. Even our loved ones.

Author: Anonymous


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