Tuesday 5 May 2015

Poaching, yo. Pat 11B

By Anonymous  |  10:53 No comments

So one of many reasons why people poach exotic wild life is for the sake getting the ‘ivory’/ trophy of those animals, what’s up with that? Poaching has been going on for more than a century, and not all of us realize what critical a state we’re in right now in terms of loss of biodiversity and being on the verge of animal extinctions. This post is an angry rant about poaching, so bear with me

  • Poaching happens everywhere (I mean it )
  • The belief that ivory powder would cure the incurable and enhance male sexual potential is just BS.
  • people sought out poaching as the only means to get money in the majority of developing countries with low GDP
  • Poachers be warned: Rangers are now armed and trained by the best military advisors that the world can offer


You know what is really weird about poaching? The local hunters that hunt down these animals are doing this solely for the sake of feeding their families. They’re local, they’re illiterate, and it’s not the best season to do farming right now. Rhino horns cost $65,000/ kilogram, and with that money, one can earn a lifetime fortune. For every eight hours, one rhino dies in the hand of a poacher.

We can somehow help out these local people in terms of money and economic stability. I honestly think this will definitely contribute to the stopping of poaching in AFRICA. But how about the rest of the world? The hunt for exotic tiger skins in Indonesia is still going on. The price of white elephant tusks in Thailand is attracting a lot of hunters. How can we possibly stop poachers from entering national reserves? How can we motivate/educate poachers to find the alternative way of earning good clean money with a good clean job? To anyone who’s reading this blog, wanna share your thoughts?

A great example of poaching in Africa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ATMX_YeQPI

Author: Anonymous


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