Thursday 20 November 2014

Animal Testing

By Anonymous  |  05:27 1 comment

Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation and animal research, is when people uses animals as experimentation subjects and do experiments to them that would be unethical to human being. One of the biggest thing is that they didn’t think would it be ethical towards animals.

For centuries and centuries, humans have been using animals as their guinea pigs for conducting tests and experiments. Different opinions have been voiced as to whether animal testing appropriate. Should it be banned? Or do the benefits that result from it outweigh the possible ethical problems associated with animal testing. First of all, this is a very sensitive topic, and there is a litany of pros and cons associated with it. It’s not that animal testing doesn’t help us. It really does bring about ground-breaking discoveries. What I mean is that we should view this in the point of view of the “tested”, meaning we should put ourselves in the shoes of the animals because they do have emotions and feelings like we do. What if it was you being tested upon? How would you feel? For animals, they don’t have anything that they can do because humans are more powerful. So what if you and your family are taken to be injected with, for example, Ebola, and you can’t do anything about it but watch them die with you? This is exactly how the animals feel… If one day, it changes, they don’t use animals anymore, and they started using humans. Would you take action? If yes, then why not start now? Why not just stop it once and for all before it haunts the lives of the animals. Please… Stop it… Stop animal testing…


Author: Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are trying to told us, overall I can see that how animal experiments is a unethical events. Your last part is very intense, when you are trying to put animal testing on to human. One thing is you didn't have an actual events or example aside from ebola, you need give example or actual events to made your articles more persuasive, to let the reader believe you. Something like "Mayo Clinic Cited For Accidentally Burning Monkey During Research" on September 19,2014.


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