Saturday 22 November 2014


By Anonymous  |  04:32 1 comment


Over recent years, human population have been dramatically increasing. The bolstering size of the population is taking up too much space! We are gradually overflowing into animal habitats, while causing them to suffer space loss. Though animals have been on Earth longer than humans, our superior status on the ecosystem pyramid allows us to force them out of their homes, ruin their beloved families, take their food, and make them scared to live with us. It is no joke that one beautiful hit can instantly kill one creature, or sometimes even two. If animals could die this easily, then EXTINCTION is can occur very easily.  

Species of plants and animals have continuously come and gone for approximately 3.5 billion years. Remember what Darwin said about survival of the fittest? Darwin revealed that the process of evolution causes the more successful types of animals to replace the less successful ones. In fact, scientists estimate that for every species alive today, ten thousand of its primitive relatives have become extinct.

Furthermore, about 38 million acres of forest are projected to be cut down during 2014! Imagine how vast 38 million acres is! It is about the size of Algeria. That would cause even more animals to suffer. Whatever we are doing is only providing us with short term luxuries and is unknowingly harming our future generations.  


10. The Little Dodo Bird

9. Chinese Giant Salamander

8. Siberian (Amur) Tiger

7. Leatherback Sea Turtle

6. The Saola- Asian Unicorn

5. Northern Right Whale

4. Northern Sportive Lemur

3. Javan Rhinoceros

2. Amur Leopard

1. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker


Author: Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Human population are escalating at a phenomenal pace. Our existence has definitely cause other species to suffer. Our ability to improve and progress is incredible. Technology only accelerates our growth. We can possibly dominate the Earth. I am wondering about something though. Since you brought up Charle Darwin's idea of natural selection and the survival of the fittest. I would like to point out that Darwin might say our growth is natural because we are the fittest specie of our time. So is our domination really bad in turns of natural selection? Keep in mind, I don't agree or support human destruction of other species. I believe other animals have a right to live and share this world. In fact, we might not be able to function without them, but keeping all those aside. What do you think about the question I proposed? Maybe Charles Darwin will say humans are the best species because we can survive and thrive, so nature has selected us to dominate the world. Maybe we are destined to be the only specie on Earth?


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