Tuesday 10 March 2015


By Anonymous  |  22:28 No comments

Imagine yourself living in such condition: living on one to three dollars a day. Keep in mind that not only would you have to pay for the food, but also shelter, clothes, medications, education, etc. Currently there are about seven billion people in the world, over 3 million (or almost half of the world’s population) are living on less than 2.50 dollars a day. Three countries have eighty percent of their population below the poverty line: Chad, Haiti and Liberia. Roughly third countries have half of their population under the poverty line. The number of people under the poverty line is a lot more than we can imagine. Because of the such great luck we have we do not experience the same issues most of the people are facing.
Although there plenty of food and resource for everyone in the world; the problem is, not everyone can afford such costs. Getting the right amount of nutrition greatly affects a person’s growth and health. If a person is malnourished, they would easily become weak and sick. Without the strength they would not be able to work, which leads to no income, causing them to be even poorer and hungrier. The cycle continues on and on. The final outcome is death. According to the United Nations, roughly 21,000 people die of hunger every day. To have a better view that is four second per person, and mostly it is the children who are going through this.

Other facts about poverty:

  • Nearly a billion people who enter the 21st century either don’t know how to read or sign their names.
  • One billion children (one out of two children in the world) live under poverty.
  • 640 million people live without adequate shelter
  • 400 million have no access to safe water
  • 270 million have no access to health services
  • 10.6 million died in 2003, approximately 29,000 children per day) before they reached that age of 5

Author: Anonymous


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