Thursday 30 April 2015

Human evolution and pollution!

By Anonymous  |  22:18 No comments

Evolution and Pollution

Human evolution is the cause of pollution. As humans evolve, we take up more land and resources to raise our nation and empire. We burned down trees and grasslands to build skyscrapers, buildings, and factories. We burn dirty fossil fuels to power up our electronic devices. We dump all our mess in the ocean and lakes. We annihilated so many species and caused them to go extinct. Humans are the most dangerous species in the world; they are like viruses, causing our Earth to warm up. Our Earth is sick and we must do something to help it. We are the main cause of pollution and animal extinctions.   Pollution is bad for animal life; it is also harmful to human as well. The world’s cars are causing 90 percent of the air pollution that we are breathing in.  Air pollution can cause lung cancer and heart disease. I know it is too late to stop all the pollution on earth from happening, but, we can still help our planet earth by reducing the use of electricity and transportation. Instead of staying home and playing the computer, we can go out and exercise in the park or gym. Instead of using transportation that is powered by gasoline, we can use bicycles as transportation! We can exercise while we are going to places that we want to. It is never too late if we try!

Author: Anonymous


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