Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Fight For Freedom

By Anonymous  |  22:01 No comments

Human trafficking has always been a very big issue in our society. A lot of people are getting captured and sold for money. People sometimes think that since slavery ended in the United States, all types of slaves disappeared, but that is just not the case. Racism slavery did end, but what about other types? We have to look at what’s really happening in our society! There is slavery everywhere around the world, yet, there is so little action taken to prevent it! And even more than that, people of our society are isolating former slaves from everyone else! Just because they’re a victim of this brutal world. How can we be so selfish and not care about others who try so hard to fit in despite their background? Are we seriously that uncaring and ignorant? And when I say this, I’m not talking about a few people, I’m talking about every single person in this corrupt and ignorant society. If you do not have enough power to defeat human trafficking as an issue yet, then please just learn to give those who are victims empathy, friendship, making them feel loved, make them feel like they’re not just a tool and sex slaves anymore, learn to give them compassion, and most importantly, learn to accept them as equal to us, as who we are.

Many times when I speak to people, I keep telling them two things to keep in mind: That there’s always a way to solve any problem in this universe, and that nothing is impossible to achieve. Don’t tell me that it is impossible to do something, because just you saying that it’s impossible might change the hopes for others as well, most importantly, it stops you from trying. From trying to do what we can to help these people who need us. If you can’t help directly, at least try to spread awareness of this problem. Tell the person next to you, across from you, or even online about this story and this issue of human trafficking. Can you not do that? I’m not asking for much. I’m not asking for you all to be like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela or Rosa Parks. I’m just asking you to be a little fire that joins in others so they may lit up the hearts of the victims. I’m asking you this because no person in this whole universe deserves this. Please, help them. Thank you.

Author: Anonymous


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